Feuilleton US-Rocker Paul Kantner mit 74 Jahren gestorben

Der kalifornische Rocker Paul Kantner, Mitbegründer der Band Jefferson Airplane, ist tot. Wie seine Sprecherin dem «San Francisco Chronicle» bestätigte, starb Kantner am Donnerstag an den Folgen eines Herzinfarkts. Er war 74 Jahre alt.


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epa05132339 (FILE) A file picture dated 15 August 2009 shows US musician Paul Kantner performing on stage with the US rock band Jefferson Starship as he smokes a cigarette between songs, at the Bethel Woods Music Festival, near the original Woodstock Concert site, in Bethel, New York, USA. According to media reports on 29 January 2016, Kantner, co-founder of the US psychedelic rock band Jefferson Airplane, died on 28 January 2016 at the age of 74. EPA/PETER FOLEY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ Foto: Peter Foley